Shapey Shaperson


Basic information


What does Shapey Shaperson like?

  • Legos.
  • Music.
  • Hiking and skiing.
  • Longboarding.
  • Video games.
  • Working out.
  • Painting.
  • Movie dates.
  • Cats, dogs, most animals.
  • Succulents.
  • Pizza, ramen, anime.
  • Naked men.

About Shapey Shaperson

"I like to draw and make music in my free time. I'm into gaming, Legos, longboarding, all types of art, and filling tight holes.

I'm a new tattoo artist, so I'll probably have more tattoos next time you see me. Nerdy energetic boys and cuddly sex hold a special place in my heart."


Check him out here!

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