Ty Mitchell
Basic information
What does Ty Mitchell like?
Ty Mitchell is a big fan of Lady Gaga, sushi and big dicks, not necessarily in that order. He also loves to write and is very interested and knowledgable in astrology.
About Ty Mitchell
This Vegas born heart throb is just a complete 10 on so so many levels. YES!!! Ty Mitchell is beautiful and just bursting with sexual energy, but we also found his many talents and general happy and fun personality to be just as attractive as that tight bubble butt of his. Ty is a masseur, currently lives in New York City and could not be happier about moving on from Vegas. He is very musically inclined, playing both guitar and singing beautifully!!! (He did 90's songs, we love 90's songs!!!!) Ty Mitchell also does drag, so next time your in New York having your heart melted by some enigmatic goddess of the stage, it might just be Ty Mitchell. All in all Ty Mitchell is gorgeous inside and out, we look forward to seeing more of him.
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